Autentikacijska i autorizacijska infrastruktura sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj
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INDIGO Identity and Access Management (Test instance)

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Language: it
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INDIGO-Datacloud Project erogato da INFN
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)

Language: en
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INDIGO-Datacloud Project provided by INFN
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)

Contact Details

Service details

Language: en
INDIGO Identity and Access Management (Test instance)
Display Name:
INDIGO Identity and Access Management (Test instance)
The INDIGO Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service provides a layer where identities, enrollment, group membership and other attributes and authorization policies on distributed resources can be managed in an homogeneous way. In particular, the IAM acts as a central service for authentication and authorization management for linked INDIGO-Datacloud services.
Language: it
INDIGO Identity and Access Management (Test instance)
Display Name:
INDIGO Identity and Access Management (Test instance)
INDIGO Identity and Access Management (IAM) e' un servizio per la gestione delle identitta' e delle politiche di accesso per risorse di calcolo e storage condivise nel contesto del progetto INDIGO-Datacloud. In particolare, INDIGO IAM fornisce strumenti sicuri per la registrazione, l'autenticazione e l'autorizzazione di utenti e servizi integrando meccanismi di autenticazione federata, delega di credenziali e gestione dei gruppi a supporto di applicazioni scientifiche.

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