Pojedinosti o web-aplikaciji
ERM Venture - softver za upravljanje rizicima
Resource description:
- ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) Venture je softver koji osigurava računalnu potporu korisnicima u svim fazama procesa upravljanja rizikom.
Partner of AAI@EduHr federation the resource is associated with:
- HERA d.o.o.
Web application's address (URL):
- https://erm.heraapps.com
User instructions web page (if exists):
- http://erm-venture.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ERM-Venture-hrv.pdf
Privacy Policy URL:
- https://erm.heraapps.com/ords/erm/r/2000/files/static/v149/EULA.pdf
User attributes the AAI@EduHr system delivers to the resource:
Attribute name | Purpose |
cn | Prikaz imena i prezimena korisnika |
hrEduPersonUniqueID | Jedinstveni identifikator korisnika na kojem se temelji autentikacija |
Prikaz mail adrese korisnika |
Contacts for acquiring additional information about this service:
- Contact Name: Ivona Miletić; E-mail: ivona.miletic@hera.ba
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